Social Spark is Live!
This is a newsite I found out today and it is pretty interesting. The SocialSpark is a social marketing network that connects between you and the advertisers through the online market place. You can earn the extra cash by placing an advertisement in your blog or by writing a sponsored post. Apart from that the advertisers also be able to target blogs based on the controversial topic and also makes cash sponsorship offered to bloggers who publish for them. This is cool right. With the sponsorship offer by them, it helps to create a buzz on your blog and hence helps to create more traffic and maximize the media exposure. Other benefits to it, is that you can make new friends and discover new blogs through it and you can start interacting with them.
This is a newsite I found out today and it is pretty interesting. The SocialSpark is a social marketing network that connects between you and the advertisers through the online market place. You can earn the extra cash by placing an advertisement in your blog or by writing a sponsored post. Apart from that the advertisers also be able to target blogs based on the controversial topic and also makes cash sponsorship offered to bloggers who publish for them. This is cool right. With the sponsorship offer by them, it helps to create a buzz on your blog and hence helps to create more traffic and maximize the media exposure. Other benefits to it, is that you can make new friends and discover new blogs through it and you can start interacting with them.
At the online market place, there are a lot of activities takes place and you can search new activities from other bloggers. There are also quite a number opportunities for paid post being place at the market place and you can choose and pick for the opportunities and get paid for it. Apart from that, they also place the hot blogs of the week and you can view the blogs and get to know new bloggers from all over the world. Sign up today and connect youself with other social marketers and content creators. Learn from them and you will be able to become a better blogger.
***This is a sponsored post***