This morning packed 2 pieces of Chiffon Cake I bought from Giant yesterday. Only RM3.99 for a whole chiffon cake, very cheap. Bought 2 - Pandan Chiffon Cake for us at home and Orange Chiffon Cake for baby sitter.
So today breakfast in a bento box is 2 pieces of Pandan Chiffon Cakes and some grapes. Not packing any lunch to work today cos in the afternoon will be on duty at Mid Valley for My Family Showcase Fair. Thank god, a least a breather for me to get out from the office. Can't wait to go there and have fun with my colleagues. Will come back with more pictures at the fair.

Nice bento...looking at the bento alone is good enough to make me happy to start my meal.
sue ur bento comel lah.
Sue, I like this bento set. Where did you get it?
* off topic* can anyone tell me why there is a little garbage bin on the left side of my comment. How to remove it?
Yes lor sometimes see the bento also happy d.But also quite shy to use cos I used to use TUPPERWARE suddenly change to this, ppl might think weird and why suddenly I become childish. U know la my colleague all also 'jakun' one.
Yah ah comel ke ?
Oooo this one I think is the bento for man. From 100 Yen shop in Bandar Sg Long.
Eh, the garbage bin is for you to delete the message. I think cannot be remove one leh.
Thanks Sue, how come other people don't have that garbage bin?
I like your bento because I thought of getting it for my hubby. Some of the one I saw a bit too girlie and I don't think he want to use if for his lunch.
The garbage bin is for you to delete your comment. Only you or the owner of this blog can delete your own comment. :)
Thank you Dancing Queen.
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